11 February 2011 Celan in the Kwartalnik Artystyczny quarterly
Please refer to the latest issue of the literary quarterly Kwartalnik Artystyczny, (4/2010). You will find, among others, translations of poems by Paul Celan (Sprawozdanie z lata, W podróży, Kryształ), the great hero of this year’s edition of the Conrad Festival. Furthermore, the issue includes works of other Festival guests, among others, poems of Ryszard Krynicki and Piotr Matywiecki. In the current quarterly, enthusiasts of Zbigniew Herbert will find unknown narrative poetry of his. This all will be complemented with excerpts from the Gliwice diary of Tadeusz Różewicz and three, until now unpublished, poems by Wisława Szymborska. We invite you to read the issue!
The Kwartalnik Artystyczny quarterly has been published in Bydgoszcz and Toruń since 1993. In its pages you can see names of the most remarkable authors of Polish literature, literary critics, essayists: Wisława Szymborska, Julia Hartwig, Tadeusz Różewicz. While the archives include Czesław Miłosz, Jan Twardowski, Zbigniew Herbert, Gustaw Herling-Grudziński, Jan Błoński. The magazine is meticulously published on chalk overlay paper allowing for attractive presentation of fine arts. Poetry, prose, interviews with writers, reviews, notes on books and surveys constitute permanent sections of the periodical.