27 July 2011 Journeys on the edge of the world - summer with Monika Sznajderman and Andrzej Stasiuk
In the latest issue of the Polityka weekly, as part of the Lato w dobrym towarzystwie (Summer in good company) series, you will be taken on a summertime journey with Monika Sznajderman and Andrzej Stasiuk. "Our journeys are nothing like regular run-of-the-mill summer trips (...). Rather than that, they are journeys on the edge of the world," writes Monika Sznajderman. Both admit that they were most enthralled by the Balkans. "Most often, we go back to Albania. It is a fascinating country: both rapidly changing and unique in Europe when it comes to preserving traditional, archaic architecture. As if everything was happening all at once in the same place."
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