5 December 2011 Black prose-writing workshops
May 2012 will see the second edition of the literary workshops entitled Black prose-writing workshops, organised by the Czarne Publishing House. This is great news for lovers of Andrzej Stasiuk’s works – Stasiuk himself will be one of the teachers!
The workshops will be held at the Gościniec Banica in the Low Beskids and will last 8 days (from the 27th of May to the 3rd of June). The organisers have announced that the event will help its participants to become writers conscious of their technique. However, it will not be just another creative writing course. The teachers will offer something more: a course of a more interesting, intensive existance in the world and a pretty pragmatic guide to Poland’s contemporary book market, which will give the writers-to-be an insight into its realities and mechanisms and allow them enter the market as writers. NOTE: the workshops are only for adults and the number of places is limited.
Andrzej Stasiuk is a regular guest and friend of the Conrad Festival.