Adam Pluszka

a poet, prose writer, translator, literary and film critic
Adam Pluszka

(born 1976) – poet, prose writer, translator, editor, literary and film critic, marathon runner. Author of several volumes of poetry and prose. The artist was nominated for Silesius Poetry Award and the Gdynia Literary Award for the volume Zestaw do besztań. He has translated, among others, Doris Lessing, Stefan Themerson, Esther Woolfson, Julia Blackburn, Johnny Cash, Sue Townsend, Elizabeth Pisani and most of the books published in his “EKO” series. Managing editor at the Marginesy Publishing House.

fot. Karolina Iwaszkiewicz

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego