Agata Bielik-Robson
a philosopher and publicist(born in 1966) – lives in Warsaw and Nottingham. She works at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and as a professor of Jewish Studies at the Department of Theology and Religious Studies of the University of Nottingham. She works with the contemporary philosophy of the subject, theory of literature and philosophy of religion, with special focus on Jewish heritage. She published dozens of articles in Polish, German, French, Russian and English, as well as ten books, including: Na drugim brzegu nihilizmu (Warsaw, 1997), Inna nowoczesność (Krakow, 2000), Duch powierzchni: rewizja romantyczna i filozofia (Krakow, 2004), Romantyzm, niedokończony projekt. Eseje (Kraków 2008), Na pustyni. Kryptoteologie późnej nowoczesności (Krakow, 2008), Erros. Mesjański witalizm i filozofia (Krakow 2012) and Cienie pod czerwoną skałą: eseje o literaturze (Gdańsk 2015), as well as The Saving Lie. Harold Bloom and Deconstruction (Chicago 2011), Jewish Cryptotheologies of Modernity: Philosophical Marranos (London/ New York 2014) and a collection of essays Judaism in Contemporary Thought. Traces and Influence (London/New York 2014) co-edited with Adam Lipszyc. In 2017, Żyj i pozwól żyć. – an extended interview with the philosopher, conducted by Michał Sutowski – was published.