Aleksandra Klich

Journalist and writer; formerly the deputy chief editor of Gazeta Wyborcza for a couple of years, today the chief editor of Wysokie Obcasy and Wysokie Obcasy Extra. She has written a number of books, including a biography of Kazimierz Kutz (Cały ten Kutz) [Kutz In His Entirety] and interviews with Archbishop Józef Życiński (Świat musi mieć sens) [The World Must Make Sense] and with Artur Rojek (Inaczej) [In a Different Way]. She wrote a reportage book on the impact of Wanda Półtawska on the thoughts and decisions of John Paul II; she deals with the history and identity of Upper Silesia, which is her home region (a collection of stories about Upper Silesians – Bez mitów. Portrety ze Śląska [Without Myths. Portraits from Silesia]). She is the secretary of the Julius Roger Upper Silesian Literary Award for the best Polish biography.