Andrzej Muszyński

author of collections of reportages and short stories
Andrzej Muszyński

reporter and prose writer. He debuted with Południe (South, 2013), a book on the borderline between essay and reportage, and later published the prose book Miedzę (The Margin, 2013), for which he was nominated for the “Polityka” Passport award. In 2015, he published Podkrzywdzie, for which he was nominated for the Gdynia Literary Award. This year saw his autobiographical book Dom ojców (The House of Fathers). Holder of scholarship of the Ryszard Kapuściński Herodotus Foundation. Winner of the Adam Włodek Award attributed by the Wisława Szymborska Foundation.

fot. Andrzej Banaś

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego