Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik

(born 1980) – assistant professor at the Department of British and Commonwealth Studies at the University of Łódź and at the International Centre for Shakespearean Studies at the University of Łódź, headed by Prof. Krystyna Kujawińska-Courtney. Scientific Secretary of International Studies: Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal. A literary scholar and translator, she deals with early literature, theatre history, translation and popular culture. She has been a member of the Board of the Polish Shakespearean Society for many years and has served as Vice President since 2018. She is active in the British Shakespeare Association (BSA), the Shakespeare Association of America (SAA), the European Shakespeare Research Association (ESRA) and the International Shakespeare Association (ISA), as well as the Renaissance Society of America (RSA); she also belongs to the International Society for Translation and Intercultural Research (IATIS) and the scientific groups “Shakespeare in Education” (NTNU, Trondheim) and “Shakespeare in Culture” (Warsaw University). Winner of the START scholarship for young scientists from the Foundation for Polish Science, the scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding doctoral students and then for outstanding young scientists (2017-2019). She has conducted grants from the National Science Centre, as well as the National Centre for Research and Development project “Between Literature and Philosophy: Conflict and Dialogue” (2017-2018). She is currently working on the history of the Polish reception of Shakespeare’s The Tempest under the international V4Shakespeare grant.