Arkadiusz Żychliński
(born 1976) – philologist, translator, fiction scholar. Professor at the Institute of German Studies of the Adam Mickiewicz University and a member of the team of the Border Questions Laboratory at that university. Author of a monograph on the poetics of translation of Heidegger’s philosophical writing Unterwegs zu einem Denker (2006), a volume of essays entitled Wielkie nadzieje i dalsze rozważania (2013) and the monograph Laboratorium antropofikcji. Dociekania filologiczne (2014), co-editor of a collection of critical interventions W sprawie Agambena (2010), an anthology collecting influential philosophical readings of Kafka’s writing Nienasycenie (2011) and critical literary studies Powinowactwo Pessoi. Szkice krytyczne (2013), Katedra Bolaño (2015), Wieczna krucjata. Szkice o Don Kichocie (2016) and Widma Maríasa (2017).