Bernadetta Darska
Literary critic, literary scholar. Professor at the University of Warmia and Mazury. Doctor. She works at the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication of the University of Warmia and Mazury, and in the past, she taught at Collegium Civitas and the University of Warsaw. Winner of the 2019 Laurel of the Polish Book Chamber for the most interesting presentation of a book and promotion of reading online. In 2002-2009, she worked as editor-in-chief of the Portret literary and cultural magazine. Author of eleven books on recent literature, popular culture and contemporary reportage. Some of her recent publications include: Młodzi i fakty. Notatki o reportażach roczników osiemdziesiątych (2017), Berlinowanie. Zapiski z doświadczania miasta (2022) and Czas reportażu. O tym, co działo się wokół gatunku po 2010 roku (2023). Author of the critical and literary blog Nowości książ