Edward Pasewicz

Edward Pasewicz

Poet, writer, composer, dramatist. He debuted in 2001 with the collection of poems Dolna Wilda (Dolna Wilda Street). In 2007, he published his first novel Śmierć w darkroomie (Death In a Darkroom). In the same year, he was nominated for the Gdynia Literary Prize for two books: Henry Berryman Pieśni and Pałacyk Bertolta Brechta (Bertolt Brecht’s Little Palace). Next to Marcin Świetlicki, Robert Makłowicz, Piotr Bikont and Maciej Piotr Prus, he is a member of the editorial board of the “talking magazine” called The Talking Dog. He also publishes columns in Czas Kultury and Chimera at a regular basis. Since 2010, he has been living in Krakow, where he is the chief of the Scena 21 Teatru Nowego (Stage 21 of the Nowy Theatre). He has written the following theatre plays: Lamentacje Londyńskie (London Lamentations), Trzej Bracia (Three Brothers), Cień (The Shadow), Piękny Chłopiec (A Beatiful Boy).

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego