Géza Röhrig
a Hungarian writer, poet, underground musician, teacher and actor known for his role of Saul in the 2015 film "Son of Saul"
(b. 1967) – a Hungarian writer, poet, underground musician, teacher and actor known for his role of Saul in the 2015 film Son of Saul directed by László Nemes. He was born in Budapest, where he was the frontman of an underground music band Huckleberry in the 1980s. He studied Hungarian and Polish. In the early 2000s, he moved to the USA and became a Hasidic Jew. He received a degree from the Jewish Theological Seminary and teaches the Torah. He is the author of six poetry volumes referring, among others, to the theme of the Shoah and a perverse prose book The Rebbeh's Featherless Parrot – a collection of imaginary Hasidic stories that has also been translated into Polish. The story of his family was marked with the stigma of the Holocaust; the entire family of his grandfather died in Auschwitz.