Ishbel Szatrawska

playwright and theatrologist. Graduate of theatre studies at the Jagiellonian University; she also studied film and American studies at the Jagiellonian University and at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, as well as at the private film school Akademia Multi Art in Kraków. In December 2019, she debuted as playwright with Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear included in the e-anthology Nasz głos (Our Voice, 2019), published by the Helena Modrzejewska National Old Theatre in Kraków. Her subsequent drama pieces were published in the Dialog magazine: Polowanie (The Hunt, no 4/2020), Totentanz. Czarna noc, czarna śmierć (Totentanz. Black Night, Black Death, no 2/2021). In 2020 she was awarded the Creative Scholarship of the City of Kraków, as a result of which she wrote the drama piece Kateriny brak (Katerina is missing). She recently published the drama piece Żywot i śmierć pana Hersha Libkina z Sacramento w stanie Kalifornia (The Life and Death of Mr Hersh Libkin from Sacramento, California, 2022).
fot. Izabella Górska