Jakub Majmurek
film expert, film critic, political expert and publicist
(born 1982) – a film expert, film critic, political expert and publicist. He collaborates with Krytyka Polityczna, where he edits a series of books about films. His texts were published in Gazeta Filmowa, Tygodnik Powszechny and Le Monde Diplomatique Edycja Polska. In his research he often refers to Lacanian psychoanalysis. He is a co-author of books Stracone szanse? Bilans transformacji 1989-2009 [Lost Opportunities? The Balance of the Transformation 1989-2009] (2009), PRL bez uprzedzeń [About the People’s Republic of Poland without Prejudice] (2010) and Kino-Sztuka. Zwrot kinematograficzny w polskiej sztuce współczesnej [Cinema-Art. A Cinematographic Turn in Polish Contemporary Art] (2015).