Jerzy Sosnowski

Jerzy Sosnowski

Writer, feature writer, radio and television journalist. He worked for newspapers (Gazeta Wyborcza, Więź) and television (head of cultural journalism in TVP, cooperated with TVP Kultura), then settled in the radio. He works for Trójka radio station where he runs Klub Trójki and Trójkowy Znak Jakości. He is also the author of four collections of essays, three volumes of short stories and five novels including this year's Spotkamy się w Honolulu (We Will Meet in Honolulu). A winner of the Kościelski Foundation Award for Wielościan (Polyhedron) (2001) and an award of the Poznań Review of the Latest Publications for Prąd zatokowy (The Gulf Stream, 2003), for which he was also nominated to the NIKE Literary Award. He is a member of the Polish Language Council at the Polish Academy of Sciences. Photo by Agnieszka Duraczyńska-Sosnowska

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego