Justyna Najbar-Miller

(born 1979) – graduate of the Institute of Korean Studies at the University of Warsaw, Doctor of Philosophy in literary studies. Thanks to support from the Korea Foundation and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea, she improved her command of Korean at Yonsei University and studied at Kyung Hee University in Seoul. Since 2011, she has worked as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the University of Warsaw. She is the author of the book Dzień z życia pisarza Kubo. Studium tożsamości koreańskiego intelektualisty [A Day in the Life of Novelist Kubo. A Study of the Identity of a Korean Intellectual] (2013). She is interested in Korean religions, Korean literature and literary translation. Apart from Han Kang’s works, she has translated works by other Korean authors, including Pak T’ae-wŏn, Kim Ae-ran and Ha Chang-soo.