Karol Franczak

Sociologist, culture expert. He studied at the University of Łódź, where he still works. His favourite subjects include contemporary sociological theories, problems of 20th century culture and art, intercultural communication, rules and strategies of public discourse. He published his texts in Przegląd Kulturoznawczy and Przegląd Socjologiczny. His text Przeszłość w austriackim dyskursie publicznym - przypadek „Heldenplatz” (The Past in Austrian Public Discourse – The Case of „Heldenplatz”) by Thomas Bernhardt was published in the collection Pamięć Shoah: kulturowe reprezentacje i praktyki upamiętnienia (Memory of Shoah: Cultural Representations and Commemoration Practices) edited by Tomasz Majewski and Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska. He is also the author of the afterword to the reissued novel Kalkwerk by Thomas Bernhard (Officyna Publishing House, 2010). At the Conrad Festival he will conduct a meeting with the theatre director Krystian Lupa on 5th November (Friday) at 2.00 p.m. in Cafe Szafe (ul. Felicjanek 10).