Mateusz Marczewski

Mateusz Marczewski

Poet and writer. He wrote, among others, a poetry book Naprawiacz Ptaków /The Mender of Birds/ (2000) and a libretto to the record KOD. Symfonia ogrodów /KOD. The Symphony of Gardens/ (2004). He published his texts in Polityka, Tygodnik Powszechny, Gazeta Wyborcza, Znak and Przegląd Powszechny. The laureate of the Maciej Szumowski competition for the best reportage/essay (2007). The book Niewidzialni (The Invisible) (Wydawnictwo Czarne) was selected for the finals of the literary competition of the Culture Foundation 2008. It contains the author’s extraordinary reportages on the fascinating trip across the world of Aborigines, which show their present life without any sense of superiority or judgement. The strength of the book lies in the author’s sensitivity and will to understand the world being described. The book will soon be published in Italian by the Bianca & Volta publishing house. The author himself will be a guest of the 2nd Conrad Festival during the meeting “The Other World, The Other Language” – 3 November (Wednesday), at 7.00 p.m. (Ludwik Solski Academy for the Dramatic Arts, ul. Straszewskiego 21-22).

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego