Maya Jasanoff

an American professor and history teacher at Harvard,
Maya Jasanoff

is an American professor and history teacher at Harvard, where she focuses on the history of the British Empire and British colonialism. In 2011 she received the National Book Critics Circle Award in the non-fiction category, in 2012 she was awarded the George Washington Book Prize and a year later she was a laureate of the Guggenheim Fellowships grant. Author of a number of books, including Edge of Empire: Lives, Culture, and Conquest in the East, 1750-1850 (2005), Liberty’s Exiles (2011) and The Dawn Watch (2017). The first two are devoted to complex American-British relations, while the latter tells the story of Joseph Conrad, a key figure for Anglo-Saxon modernity.

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego