Michal Viewegh

Born in 1962 in Prague, the most popular contemporary Czech writer. He was the editor of Czech literary magazine Český spisovatel. He wrote a dozen or so books, some of which have been published in Poland, including: The Sightseers, The Blissful Years of Lousy Living, Women’s Novel, Bringing Up Girls in Bohemia, Případ nevěrné Kláry [The Case of Unfaithful Clara] and Zapisovatelé otcovský lásky [Writers of Paternal Love]. The contemporary Czech Republic is the background of his works, which he describes with a large measure of irony and humour. Two editions of a festival dedicated to Michal Viewegh’s works have been held in Prague; his novels have also been adapted for Czech theatre. A film adaptation of one of the writer’s books – Women’s Novel – also premiered in Poland. Writer met with Jaroslav Rudiš and Szymon Kloska on discussion on 26th October 2012. Picture: Jan Karásek