Piotr Głuchowski

Well-known journalist and author of reportages for Gazeta Wyborcza. In 2009, together with Marcin Kowalski, he received the Grand Press award for the best press reportage in the most prestigious journalistic competition in Poland. Both journalists received awards for the text Ukochany syn Wielkiego Wodza (The Beloved Son of the Great Leader), which was published in the Duży Format addition to Gazeta Wyborcza. It reveals a mystery of the ambassador of North Korea in Poland, which is a son of Kim Il-sung, a step-brother of Kim Dzong Il and probably the future leader of North Korea. Together they published also a book Odwet. Prawdziwa historia braci Bielskich (Revenge. The True History of the Bielscy Brothers), which caused a big media uproar. In 2010 the investigative journalists of the Duży Format addition to Gazeta Wyborcza published Apte. Niedokończona powieść (Apte. An Unfinished Novel), which will be discussed at the meeting during the Book Fair on 7 November (Sunday) at 3.00 p.m.