Piotr Paziński

a writer, an essayist, a translator, a journalist
Piotr Paziński

(b. 1973) – a writer, an essayist, a translator, a journalist of Gazeta Wyborcza (1992-1997), the chief editor of the Midrasz monthly. He studied philosophy at the University of Warsaw. In 2005, he obtained the degree of doctor of human sciences (PhD) in literary studies for Labirynt i drzewo [The Labyrinth and the Tree] – a monograph on James Joyce's Ulysses (the promoter of this dissertation was Michał Głowiński). He is the author of a personal guidebook Dublin z Ulissesem [Dublin with Ullyses, 2008]. He gained popularity as the author of the widely discussed novel Pensjonat [Boarding House], which was hailed by critics as the first voice of the third generation after the Holocaust in Poland. The book was nominated for the Nike Literary Award, and the author was awarded Polityka's Passport for it (2009). In 2015, a collection of his essays on the borderline of literary studies and philosophy, entitled Rzeczywistość poprzecierana [Rubbed Reality], was published; in 2016, it was nominated for the Gdynia Literary Award.

Wydarzenia z udziałem gościa

Wednesday, 23 October

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego