Remigiusz Grzela

Born in 1977. Writer, playwright, journalist. Author of twenty books, including collections of interviews – Rozum spokorniał, Hotel Europa, Wolne, and Obecność, extended interviews: Joanna Penson. Dziewczyna z Ravensbrück, kobieta Solidarności, lekarka Wałęsy (nominated for Teresa Torańska Newsweek Prize), Marian Kociniak. Spełniony, Kraftówna w krainie czarów, and To, co najważniejsze. Irena Jun i Stanisław Brudny, reportage books, including Bagaże Franza K. Podróż, której nigdy nie było, Wybór Ireny (about Irena Gelblum, a brave messenger of the Jewish Combat Organisation, who would later become Italian poet Irena Conti), Podwójne życie reporterki. Fallaci. Torańska (2007 Book of the Year Award, prestend by Magazyn Literacki Książki), as well as novels: Bądź moim Bogiem and Złodzieje koni. This year, he released a children’s book Mała nocna muzyka. Gwiezdne skrzypce Wandy Wiłkomirskiej. Nominated for a number of journalist awards, including Grand Press and Barbara N. Łopieńska Prize. One of the authors of three-part documentary Polska Pawła Jasienicy by TVN television.
Former literary director of the Na Woli Theatre, current literary director of the Ester Rachel Kamińska and Ida Kamińska State Jewish Theatre. Author of theatre plays and adaptations, including Patty Diphusa based on works by Pedro Almodovar (monodrama by Ewa Kasprzyk, dir. Marta Miłoszewska) , Uwaga – złe psy! (monodrama by Małgorzata Rożniatowska, dir. Michał Siegoczyński), Błękitny diabeł (monodrama by Barbara Krafftówna, dir. Barbara Krafftówna and Józef Opalski), Oczy Brigitte Bardot (performed by Barbara Krafftówna and Marian Kociniak, dir. Maciej Kowalewski), Oriana Fallaci. Chwila, w której umarłam – monodrama performed and directed by Ewa Błaszczyk, also presented in the Television Theatre. This play brought him the Leopold Staff Literary Award, which he won jointly with Ewa Błaszczyk.
Among his distinctions, he believes the “Warsaw Ghetto Uprising” Honorary Medal, awarded by the Association of Jewish Combatants and Victims of World War II for counteracting anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia, as well as Medal for Merit for Starogard Gdański – his home city – to be the most important ones.