Zygmunt Bauman

A sociologist, philosopher, essayist, and university lecturer. He has coined the notion of liquid modernity sprouting from post-modernity/postmodernism – the most important trend in contemporary humanities. As an inquisitive researcher of totalitarian societies and liberty-related issues, he is considered one of the most prominent thinkers of this trend. An author of disquieting and extensively commented on prognoses on the future of civilisation. A professor of the University of Warsaw, in 1968 removed from the university for political reasons. A lecturer of, among others, universities in Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Leeds where a centre given his name has operated since 2010. Rector of the Jan Józef Lipski General University in Teremiski. A member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. A winner of many awards for publications. Among others, a laureate of the Prince of Asturias Awards in the field of Communications and Humanities, Theodore W. Adorno Award, decorated with the Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis. He was granted Honorary Doctorates of the Charles University in Prague and Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. Zygmunt Bauman’s most influential and most readily read letters include, among others Wizje ludzkiego świata, Studia nad społeczną genezą i funkcją socjologii, Kultura i społeczeństwo, Preliminaria, Wydarzenia marcowe 1968, Socjalizm. Utopia w działaniu, Nowoczesność i Zagłada, Ponowoczesność jako źródło cierpień. In 2011, he presided over the proceedings of the European Culture Congress in Wrocław. He took part in the meeting on October 27th (Saturday) in the MCK (International Cultural Centre). Picture: Przemysław Sieraczyński