Conrad in (pop)texts – join the discussion
Does Apocalypse Now reflect the time of Conrad? Where the Nostromo spaceship and its eighth passenger come from? Finally, are Geralt the Witcher and Mad Max Conrad’s protagonists? If you have ever been considering one of the above-mentioned questions, then undoubtedly this event is addressed to you.
During the meeting, we will follow the ways in which the author of Heart of Darkness and his works interfere with pop-culture. We will characterize the ways of re-writing, media processing and repeating particular facts from the life and works of the author in pop-texts. We will become familiar with the reasons for which artists decide to refer to Conrad’s texts in songs, TV series, literary fiction, visual art and films. All these will let us determine the scope of Conrad’s impact on our culture. The impact whose force cannot be overestimated. You can meet the writer in the streets, on school building walls, in Internet memes, comic books and even in the form of sophisticated tattoos or T-shirt prints.
Magdalena Heydel, PhD, Andrzej Juszczyk PhD and Tomasz Majkowski PhD will take part in the discussion. The talk will be hosted by Piotr Żołądź.
The meeting will take place on Tuesday, 19 December, at 6.00 p.m. in DeRevolutionibus. Books&Café bookshop at 14 Bracka Street, Krakow.
The Krakow Festival Office, Krakow UNESCO City of Literature and Jagiellonian University Joseph Conrad Research Centre are the organisers of the event. The meeting is part of the Conrad Year 2017 celebrations and In the Footsteps of Conrad programme that was co-funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.