Karolina Rakowiecka-Asgari

Doctor, Iranian Studies scholar, literary scholar, promoter of knowledge about Iran, translator from Persian. She works in the Chair of Iranian Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Jagiellonian University. She lived and studied in Tehran for several years. Fellow of the START Programme of the Foundation for Polish Science. Her book, written together with Asgar Asgari Hasanaklou, concerns the sociological evolution of female characters in Persian novels, and was nominated for Iran's prestigious Al-e Ahmad Award. Author of the monograph Myśl nieoswojona oswaja świat. O kulturotwórczej roli zagadki w starożytnej Eurazji and Poetyka pytania. Analiza zjawiska w poezji Qejsara Aminpura. Member of the Board of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies. Author of the Okno na Iran blog, later turned into a Facebook page. Her academic interests revolve around Persian contemporary literature and the transformation of customs and gender models in Iran today.