Max Cegielski

Born in 1975. Writer, curator, scholar of intercultural relations. He made his debut in 1996 with short stories published by Brulion, releasing his first book – Masala – in 2002. Author of reportages, including Oko świata. Od Konstantymopola do Stambułu, which brought him the Beata Pawlak Prize in 2009, as well as novels – Prince Polonia on Indian smugglers and Nazywam się Czogori about climbing in Pakistan. He also published the Leksykon buntowników concerning counterculture icons, released by Wydawnictwo Agora publishing house. Author and curator of art projects, including the Migrating Adam Mickiewicz University(Istanbul, 2014); one of the participants of the Ljubljana Biennale with Janek Simon; curator of the exhibitions Polish-Indian Shop/Prince Polonia (Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Clark House Initiative in Mumbai, Trafo in Szczecin, 2017-2018). Former host of Hala Odlotów on TVP Kultura (for which he received the Grand Press Prize) and Xięgarnia on TVN24, which was recognised by the Polish Chamber of Books.