Conrad Festival 2022

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About Poland from Outside of Poland. A Discussion with Natasza Goerke, Weronika Gogola and Grażyna Plebanek

About Poland from Outside of Poland. A Discussion with Natasza Goerke, Weronika Gogola and Grażyna Plebanek

Host: Marcin Napiórkowski

How do Polish writers, who have lived in other countries for many years, perceive Poland? Is it a permanent point of reference for them? Do they think and write about it, and if so, or if not, why? How do they relate to Poland from a distance? How do they translate Polishness into other languages and cultural codes? Can Poland be explained to foreigners at all? How quickly is Poland changing when viewed from a distance? What aspects of Poland and Polishness become difficult to understand after several years of absence? What is life like in Polish communities abroad? Do domestic political and cultural struggles also spill over to the outside world? Is it possible to intervene effectively in Polish affairs from afar? And finally – how do the invited writers perceive their identity today?

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