Conrad Festival 2023
Sensitive workshops - migrating the sighted into the world of the blind
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A day dedicated to the work of Roberto Bolaño at the Cervantes Institute
A day dedicated to the work of Roberto Bolaño at the Cervantes Institute
Numbers of Roberto Bolaño: 70th birth anniversary; 25 years since the publication of the novel The Savage Detectives, 20th anniversary of the author’s death.
Is the contesting charge of The Savage Detectives and other books by Roberto Bolaño still active? This and other issues will be discussed during a day dedicated to the Chilean writer on 19 October at the Cervantes Institute in Kraków (ul. Kanonicza 12), from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 17:30. All people interested in good literature are cordially invited! The event is organised by: Jagiellonian University, Cervantes Institute in Kraków, Conrad Festival.
Marek BieńczykEssayist, prose writer, translator, he works at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In 2012, he received the Nike Literary Award for Książka twarzy.
Anežka CharvátováLecturer at the Institute of Translation Studies at the Charles University in Prague. She has worked as a publisher at three publishing houses. She translates Hispano-American, French and Italian literature into Czech, including the works of Reinaldo Arenas, Ernesto Sábato, Luis Sepúlveda, Adolf Bioy Casares, Mario Vargas Llosa, Roberto Bolaño (Josef Jungmann Prize for the translation of 2666 in 2013; distinction for the translation of The Savage Detectives, 2011), Carlos Fuentes, Fernanda Melchor, Juan Gabriel Vásquez and Guillermo Cabrera Infante (Three Trapped Tigers). She is President of the Association of Literary Translators of the Czech Literary Translator’s Guild. She contributes to literary radio programmes, writes articles and literary reviews. She conducts literary meetings at, among others, the Cervantes Institute in Prague, the Literary Festival Book World and in the framework of the programme Prague - UNESCO City of Literature .
Zofia GrzesiakWorks as an assistant professor at the Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies at the University of Warsaw. Her doctorate The Phenomenon Of Reading In The Work Of Roberto Bolaño. Strategies And Practices Of Reception Of Author, Characters And Reader (2019) was awarded an honourable mention from the Polish Hispanic Researchers Association. She is currently undertaking the project “Borges and Pataphysics” financed by the National Science Centre, teaches Latin American and comparative literature, and works with students in the the Latin American Literature Study Circle.
Valerie MilesAmerican translator, publisher, writer, she lives in Spain. She currently works at the Prado Museum in Madrid as a literary specialist and director of the scholarship programme “To write the Prado” (Escribir el Prado). She writes for the New Yorker, the New York Times, El País, The Paris Review and many other magazines. She is the founder of the Spanish edition of the Granta magazine. She worked in Roberto Bolaño’s archive for seven years, published three of his posthumous books, as well as curated an exhibition on documents from the writer’s archive at the Centre of Contemporary Culture in Barcelona (CCCB).
Tomasz PindelTranslator, lecturer at the UKEN in Kraków, expert in Spanish-language literature, author of several books (including. Mario Vargas Llosa. Biografia, 2014; Za horyzont. Polaków latynoamerykańskie przygody, 2018; Historie fandomowe, 2019), co-author of the radio programme Literature on A+ broadcast by RMF Classic. He has translated more than 70 books.
Arkadiusz ŻychlińskiPhilologist, comparatist, translator. Professor at the Institute of Germanic Philology of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. In several published books, he develops his original project of literary comparativism on the development and transformation of recent world literature. In 2015, he edited (with Wojciech Charchalis) the collective monograph Katedra Bolaño; he recently published a volume of critical literary sketches Zwrot przez współczesną. Pryzmaty (2020).
Organisers: Jagiellonian University, Cervantes Institute in Kraków, Conrad Festival
The event is funded by the Excellence Initiative programme of the Jagiellonian University and the Cervantes Institute
19 October, at 12:00 Cervantes Institute in Kraków, ul. Kanonicza 12
Literary walk: why is Kraków a UNESCO City of Literature?
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New prose. Performative reading of texts from the Anthology of texts of the KMLU Novel Writing Course 2022/23
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Reverse emigration. Meeting with Alice Lyons
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Some apples are already born old. Première of Barbara Klicka’s book Reneta
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The world’s tallest man. About Józef Czapski by Adam Zagajewski - a conversation with Andrzej Franaszek and Anna Arno
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Pull apart the folds of the curtains. Lilly Reich
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Female peasants. A story about our grandmothers - interview with Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak
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Reading class (on refugee literature) with Żanna Słoniowska
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On the Border . A debate with Krzysztof Czyżewski, Mikołaj Grynberg and Olga Hund
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On the Need for Silence. A conversation with Laura Freudenthaler
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Can literature keep up with the world? A conversation with Jakub Żulczyk
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Reading Class (on refugee literature) with Marek Rabij
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Reading Ukraine. A conversation with Kateryna Babkina, Tamara Duda, Hałyna Kruk
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Showcase of the works by the alumni of the second edition of the Translatorium mentoring programme
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Threepenny Books. A debate with Inga Iwasiów, Piotr Marecki and Małgorzata Lebda
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When You Cannot Hide. A conversation with Samanta Schweblin
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CANCELLED Untold Stories of Women. A conversation with Sofi Oksanen
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Reading Class (on refugee literature) with Paweł Mościcki
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Sign out of life. A conversation with Grégoire Bouillier
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Criticism? Why not! A debate with Jerzy Jarniewicz, Wojtek Kopiec, Dorota Kozicka, Anna Marchewka
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How to appreciate literature? A conversation with the Goncourt Academy
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Only the Others. A conversation with Philippe Claudel
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The Past is not even the Past. A conversation with Georgi Gospodinov
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Alternative Reading List A debate with Edyta Plich and Magdalena Siekierzyńska
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Reading Class (on refugee literature) with Marcin Wilk
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To Interpret or to Change the World? A conversation with Michał Paweł Markowski
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Publisher's Seal of Quality A debate with Magdalena Hajduk-Dębowska, Fabian Cieślik, Grażyna Plebanek and Rafał Lisowski
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The road to Parnassus or… to nowhere? A debate with Weronika Gogola, Elżbieta Łapczyńska, Łukasz Barys
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CANCELED Refugee Animals. A conversation with Dariusz Gzyra
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One Cannot Go Back Home. A conversation with Eduard Halfon
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The atmosphere was great. On the book creators in the communist era A debate with Marcin Hernas, Piotr Rypson, Przemek Dębowski
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All My Births. A conversation with Maryam Madjidi
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Artificial intelligence and its impact on the book market A debate with Edwin Bendyk, Jakub Gomułka, Grażyna Plebanek, Aga Zano
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Reading Class (on refugee literature) with Marta Zdzieborska
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Migrating memories - educational-artistic workshop devoted to the book Marsz, marsz BATORY by Barbara Caillot and Aleksandra Karkowska
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Unwanted Children. On the marginalization of children's literature A debate with Joanna Olech, Paulina Małochleb, Katarzyna Ryrych, Jadwiga Jędryas, Aleksandra Byrska
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Creative transfer, or how a good film adaptation is made A debate with Wojciech Chmielarz, Gaia Grzegorzewska and the producer
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The Heart of Darkness is Within Us. A conversation with Max Cegielski
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The Conrad Award. A conversation with nominees
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Fleeting Tales. A conversation with Bora Chung
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Not for the World . A conversation with Linn Strømsborg
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Migrating Dżambles - performance of Dong, who has a glowing nose by the Uszyty Theatre, and theatre workshops
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Fantastic journeys of Sally Jones - meeting and travel workshop with Jakob Wegelius
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Literary Addresses of Kraków - urban game
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Migrating melodies - a reading-song performance by Wassim Ibrahim and Marta Filipiuk-Michniewicz
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Someone Has to Tell the Story. A debate with Szymon Opryszek, Olga Stanisławska and Dionisios Sturis
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(Im)possible Neutrality. A conversation with Natasha Brown
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Detektyw Wróbel i struty dziób - première of the comic book by Tomasz Samojlik and Adam Wajrak
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And they lived happily ever after… until they died. Unknown tales of the Grimms – not for children A debate with Eliza Pieciul-Karmińska and Michalina Jurczyk
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Dictatorship in the Blood. A debate with Nona Fernández and Martín Kohan
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Unpredictability of the Journey. A conversation with Intan Paramaditha
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Migrating Humpback Whales And Penguins - Literary Moments with extraordinary animal journeys
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Workshops: How to ride a bicycle with Georges Perec?
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Workshops: How to walk with Robert Walser?
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One-way Ticket. A conversation with Balsam Karam
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Workshops: How to read Caribbean literature in colder countries?
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Through the Skin. A conversation with Małgorzata Reymer
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Journeys to Remote Isles. A conversation with Judith Schalansky
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The Conrad Award Gala
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