Conrad Festival 2023

main programme

Through the Skin. A conversation with Małgorzata Reymer

Through the Skin. A conversation with Małgorzata Reymer

A conversation with Małgorzata Rejmer

Host: Maciej Robert

In her latest short stories, Małgorzata Rejmer focuses on analysing emotions that lead to borderline situations. Her protagonists were abandoned – let down, betrayed, cheated on and hurt. These painful events left an indelible mark on their entire existence – they lost trust and gave up hope. They do not believe they will get any support when they need it, and at the same time, they can no longer function in these unbearable circumstances. They have to leave not only the place where they live, but also leave themselves behind, transcend the limits of their own bodies and psyche, and the boundaries of their previous selves. They need to shed their skin – because only being someone else gives them a slim chance of survival. 

Free tickets will be available for download from October 16, 2023 on the KBF:BILETY and KBF: PLUS application.

29 October, at 16:00 AST, Straszewskiego 21-22

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